In many of the book of psalms we have a call to sing the praises of the Lord. We must worship the Lord in his Holiness and give Glory due to his name.

Thanksgiving and gratitude to God must be in our lives always. We must thank God for his loving kindness and faithfulness everyday. In our daily life we must recognize the hands of God and how he makes us glad.

He is the one who redeemed us and made us righteous, so we flourish like a palm tree and a cedar in Lebanon as portrayed in psalm 92. The next blessing we receive when we praise is we triumph, because we worship the Most High. Even when the enemies spring like a grass, they will perish because of our Almighty.

We can truly praise God when we see the goodness and the greatness of God in all his works. We praise with the love of God poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

Often it is repeated in the Psalms, sing unto the Lord a new song. When we praise by singing, Lord is pleased with us. He gives the desires of our heart. Sing praises, surely He will establish you and your families.

Let us praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is excellent, His Glory is above the earth and heaven.

God bless you all.

